Thursday 1 May 2008

Alcohol is worse than Drugs!!!!!

Alcohol has the most silent devistating effects upon peoples health more so than actualy hard core drugs. It is seen by most as a socially accpetable drug and is legal to consume. However it is not at all less powerful than any of the hard drugs. It will express and exagerate what ever mood your are in when you consume the drinks and if anybody has ever seen the effects addiction to alcohol does to you it is anough to make you think twice about it. From working within the hospital and looking after alcoholics i can say that it is really an emotional addiction and involves not only the one person but a family aswell! People do not see drinking as wrong therefore the effects go unoticed and people do not even know they are dependant on it- it just becomes the norm! Alcoholism will perminatley change somebody and their personality, smoking a few joints or taking a few pills i dont think has the same effect!!

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