Saturday 22 March 2008

Infidelity continued......

The question raised in the lecture about wether or not Adultery is gendered and wether or not we agree with Annette Lawson's opinion on the matter ---- I believe that yea in some cases it does give women power in a number of ways, especially in periodic times where women were seen as 2nd best. By having an affair they were doing something through their own decision and was something that they could keep from their husband. Today however gender is very 50/50 and women are more or less equal to men so thier is no need to seek this underlying power and therefore Annette Lawsons opinion is a little 'dated'. While adultery is being commited the partner having the affair has power in a way where they can call all of the shots with thier lovers. However if and when the affair is revealed, its the innocent partner that gains all power as they hold the 'relationship' if there is still to be one and control what happens to it.

Do men and women have different reasons for having an affair????? --- (link)

People are attracted to adultery through bordom within their own marriage and little recognition. Commiting adultery is also a religious sin as it is one of the 10 commandments and when reffering to adultery as a 'bad behaviour' it is from this why people frawn upon it. Having sex with another person is not really bad is it? Telling lies or keeping something from someone is neither really a criminal offence. From the 1st person it may not be so bad as it is something you have chosen to pursue (human rights, free-will ....) but it can emotionally effect the 3rd person.

Personally i do not think that Infidelity is that 'bad' - its frawned upon through religion and can emotionally effect the partner you have cheated on - but we live in a individualistic culture today, and whatever one wants, one can usually get!!!$.asp

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