Thursday 3 April 2008


When I was younger I was fascinated with cigarette smoking. My mom always smoked around us and I grew up watching her smoke. It was something she did, I didn't know why she smoked she just did. I would watch people who smoked and thought it looked quite good- I don't know why I thought it looked so good, maybe because I was not doing it and everybody around me that did smoked were adults. A mature 'adulty' thing to do? I would wonder what it was like and what it tasted like and I think for most young smokers the fascination with smoking is to look 'cool' and is then how they get addicted. Kind of a learned behaviour as they have seen people smoking around them. Children are not told about smoking and if mommy or daddy is doing it and it is the norm within that family, most kids won’t question why they might be smoking. I never asked my mom why she smoked or asked her to have a go at it- I just thought it was fascinating to watch and looked enjoyable.

I have smoked a cigarette on occasions and will smoke if within that social situation where somebody else may be smoking- but I am not addicted to it and I do not crave them. I do not smoke everyday although I do agree that they can be stress re-leavers! I do think that smoking can make somebody look sexy, especially males. It does give them that masculinity even though it’s damaging their health.

I work on a respiratory ward within a hospital and look after people that have severe illnesses that are caused from smoking. However the nurses that I work with nearly all smoke. You would think that nursing people with such illnesses would put them off smoking constantly but it does not. It’s as though people ignore the health risks completely and don't really care.

In relation to all of the 'health issues' raised about smoking I think that the government and so on is being extremely insensitive. If people want to smoke then let them, as long as there harming nobody else then it’s their decision. Ok -pregnant women should not smoke and if you’re going to smoke with children do not smoke around them but it’s constantly pushed in your face about how bad smoking is. It can be to your health but if those people who chose to smoke do so, then that’s entirely their own doing. There is an underlying fascination with smoking and I think it stems from the appearance of it. Alcohol can do just as much damage but is not frowned upon or publicised like smoking is.

Banning films or making them higher certificate grades just because of smoking..... Personally I think is a little stupid. Making it out to be so wrong to children can give them a drive to do it even more??? .....

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