Thursday 8 May 2008




What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
BA Early Childhood Studies AND Psychology

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
Yes it kind of relates to my psychology as I can see in ways why people become attracted to certain behaviours or become involved in ‘bad’ behaviours (e.g. religion!!!!) when theorising about bad behaviour it may be useful to consider the modules contents.

If so, how? And if not, why not?
Can also reflect upon childs development- if bad behaviour is seen or experienced when young, more than likely to imitate that behaviour!

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
No I have found it quite alright really, lectures have been good and assignments have been ok going aswell. Not too much for a subject that was an elective which is good!

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes, really good I think, some I never of had really thought about until the module.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
The Media??? They are bad and do bad things- and everybody knows it. Also a lot to talk about and discuss within an essay or debate.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Lecture room was slightly big as a lot of noise and talking went on at the back of the class- maybe would have been beter for debates when in a smaller room as more people would contribute aswell.

What did you think of the module team?
Really good idea having different teachers teach the different subjects. Get more personal views bought into the lectures and from different backgrounds. Didn’t get bored with the same style and format from one lecturer!

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
Yes in a way to allow those who don’t like speaking out to large groups to express their feelings and views about the topics.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
No because sometimes debates can go on and on and you get nowhere near analysisng the matter. Debates lead to people going off on tagends so I thought that the amount of debates used within the module was just adequate.

Information and talk from lecturers?
There was enough talk and information from each lecturer, so no I didn’t think there was any need for any more.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes i think without this approach the module may be slightly opinionated and biased towards just the one subjects view point. A wider range of perspectives used means a wider debate field.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
In some ways yes for the reasons i mentioned above, in other ways it can be boring when drawing upon the subjects that do not interest people, however that's life and we all have to deal with things we may not like.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes i have experienced and been involved within a number of debating issues which i had never really thought about before, so yes i have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes i suppose it would be a good idea to get people thinking and debating about relevant behaviours and thoughts about behaviours that happen everyday today within our society.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Unfortunately not no, I dont have any free space for electives next year and philosophy is not my degree subject.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes i think i would, it has been a really good and interesting module and one that is really enjoyable.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
To start with i thought not, but once i got started with them i found them quite easy enough to master and can see quite a valid reason for having them. Gets us debating and reflecting on the issues raised within lectures.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I did not like the creative writing piece but then again i never have really enjoyed English as it is not one of my strengths. I also found the assignments quite hard to stick to as 600 words for an essay is extremely short. You have to really narrow down your thoughts and ideas and in return generate an essay that maybe miss some of your valid points. I would have something like the web-blogs, an essay or creative assignment and then a piece of research into your chosen debatable area.

What have you learned from the module?
That there is more than one view point and opinion to any topic bought into a debate. That we must consider all aspects before we judge the content of each subject and how to think about things in a better light rather than it 'being bad'.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The debating i suppose, getting involved in discussions and hearing what others think about certain subjects. Also being informed more about each topic rather than just of what you know and hearsay.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I have to say bandits and outlaws was extremely boring and i didn't really find the topic debatable. It was more of a history lesson about bandit figures than a debating lecture about bad behaviour. The slides to the lecture were also boring as they were just streams of text that interested nobody at all.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
Overall a really good interesting module that I'm glad i studied for. All the staff were really enthusiastic about there subject areas and joined in with the debates regardless of their own personal opinion. Good sourced material and real life relating subjects (apart from bandits). Thankyou!


Now these are bad!! Completley Full of lies and over exagerated facts yet more and more people pick them up and take what they read as general knowledge. The diet tips and diets they give in womens magazines seem so promisisng yet most of the time the celebs that are have supposed to have done them, have never even heard of them. The give you tips on how to inprove your sex life, orgasim and win men over and for only £2 if not less! Most of lifes experiences and problems are splashed across glossy magazines and people including myself beleive everthing they say. What is it about them that people believe in and read about, even though at the back of their mind they are aware that it is trashy. I think its wikid how a company can have such influence on a huge population and make money off it.


I completely agree to the comment made about Santa and lying. It is true that parents and adults make such a fantasy about Santa clause and that to kids- even the media. At Christmas time all children think about is Santa and how magical it all is. I can remember myself. Accept it is all one big lie!! Children are reinforced to tell the truth at all times, yet spend the majority of their critical development within childhood being lied to which they later find out! May be an underlying factor as to why people do lie- because they have learnt to be lied to!


In response to the comment about drugs and legalising them i kind of agree. I think if they were made legal allot more control over them could occur. Cannabis and LS D's have very little if no affect to people they just change your state of mind when you take them- these kind of drugs should probably most definitely be made more legal as time and money wasted on prosecuting people for them could be better spent on for example policing gun crime or rape!! If people get addicted and want to 'unhook' themselves then there will still be clinics etc.. available to them to do so. Youngsters would probably also get no thrill out of doing something that was legal and had tax to pay on it and therefore would reduce the amount of people taking the drugs


Tattooing is a personal choice made by thousands of people world wild. I found the lecture interesting as i had never realy thought about tattooing as a tribal or religious experience. I just thought of it as something people to choose to do really for aesthitic reasons or as part of groups such as the navy. I suppose alot of people regard it as a rebilious tenneage thing to do as most 'young' people have one. I hate it when people say "oh my god what have they done to their body2 when they see people that are covered in tattoos. At the end of the day it is their body and they have chosen to decorate it in a way they feel is justifiable to themselves. Its just like women wearing makeup! I had one done when i turned 18 and my reasons for having one was just because i could. I chose a pattern i thought looked nice and a place on my body where i wished for it to be perminatley put and have never really regreted it and most of the time forget its even there. I upset nobody when i had it done nor did i offend anyone. Tattooing is not bad at all- its a personal opinion/ choice that individuals today make.

Good link to anything and everthing bout tattoos - --



Thursday 1 May 2008

Alcohol is worse than Drugs!!!!!

Alcohol has the most silent devistating effects upon peoples health more so than actualy hard core drugs. It is seen by most as a socially accpetable drug and is legal to consume. However it is not at all less powerful than any of the hard drugs. It will express and exagerate what ever mood your are in when you consume the drinks and if anybody has ever seen the effects addiction to alcohol does to you it is anough to make you think twice about it. From working within the hospital and looking after alcoholics i can say that it is really an emotional addiction and involves not only the one person but a family aswell! People do not see drinking as wrong therefore the effects go unoticed and people do not even know they are dependant on it- it just becomes the norm! Alcoholism will perminatley change somebody and their personality, smoking a few joints or taking a few pills i dont think has the same effect!!


In response to Leanne's comment about searing i totally agree. Swearing can be unnecessary when used within the wrong context, however it really is not that bad at all! The more parents and people go on about it to kids who are only just learning the lingo of swearing, the more they will do it because it is a rebellious 'bad' thing to do. Society will teach children itself where swearing is acceptable and where it is not and children will become socially frowned upon later on in life if they continuously swear. Swearing doesn't hurt anyone its an expression! Some cultures and societies within the country tend to use swear words more than others - for example i think scousers tend to swear more than Londers for example.


commenting on what Nusarat has put about adultery being the worst crime a person could commit- i do agree as it is a crime that has somebody involved and at which can cause a risk to them. Emotionally harming somebody else is 'bad' enough to be classed as a crime. The link added is really good as well as it can predict from personality types which people are more likely to commit adultery.

Thursday 3 April 2008 .... HAHA can not believe there is masterbation lounge!!!

Wanking, Masterbation, Jilling (f), Fingering (f), Jacking off, Jackin, Masterbating, Whacking off, Jerking off, Beating off, Handjob or Mastrubation


When I was younger I was fascinated with cigarette smoking. My mom always smoked around us and I grew up watching her smoke. It was something she did, I didn't know why she smoked she just did. I would watch people who smoked and thought it looked quite good- I don't know why I thought it looked so good, maybe because I was not doing it and everybody around me that did smoked were adults. A mature 'adulty' thing to do? I would wonder what it was like and what it tasted like and I think for most young smokers the fascination with smoking is to look 'cool' and is then how they get addicted. Kind of a learned behaviour as they have seen people smoking around them. Children are not told about smoking and if mommy or daddy is doing it and it is the norm within that family, most kids won’t question why they might be smoking. I never asked my mom why she smoked or asked her to have a go at it- I just thought it was fascinating to watch and looked enjoyable.

I have smoked a cigarette on occasions and will smoke if within that social situation where somebody else may be smoking- but I am not addicted to it and I do not crave them. I do not smoke everyday although I do agree that they can be stress re-leavers! I do think that smoking can make somebody look sexy, especially males. It does give them that masculinity even though it’s damaging their health.

I work on a respiratory ward within a hospital and look after people that have severe illnesses that are caused from smoking. However the nurses that I work with nearly all smoke. You would think that nursing people with such illnesses would put them off smoking constantly but it does not. It’s as though people ignore the health risks completely and don't really care.

In relation to all of the 'health issues' raised about smoking I think that the government and so on is being extremely insensitive. If people want to smoke then let them, as long as there harming nobody else then it’s their decision. Ok -pregnant women should not smoke and if you’re going to smoke with children do not smoke around them but it’s constantly pushed in your face about how bad smoking is. It can be to your health but if those people who chose to smoke do so, then that’s entirely their own doing. There is an underlying fascination with smoking and I think it stems from the appearance of it. Alcohol can do just as much damage but is not frowned upon or publicised like smoking is.

Banning films or making them higher certificate grades just because of smoking..... Personally I think is a little stupid. Making it out to be so wrong to children can give them a drive to do it even more??? .....

Saturday 22 March 2008

Infidelity continued......

The question raised in the lecture about wether or not Adultery is gendered and wether or not we agree with Annette Lawson's opinion on the matter ---- I believe that yea in some cases it does give women power in a number of ways, especially in periodic times where women were seen as 2nd best. By having an affair they were doing something through their own decision and was something that they could keep from their husband. Today however gender is very 50/50 and women are more or less equal to men so thier is no need to seek this underlying power and therefore Annette Lawsons opinion is a little 'dated'. While adultery is being commited the partner having the affair has power in a way where they can call all of the shots with thier lovers. However if and when the affair is revealed, its the innocent partner that gains all power as they hold the 'relationship' if there is still to be one and control what happens to it.

Do men and women have different reasons for having an affair????? --- (link)

People are attracted to adultery through bordom within their own marriage and little recognition. Commiting adultery is also a religious sin as it is one of the 10 commandments and when reffering to adultery as a 'bad behaviour' it is from this why people frawn upon it. Having sex with another person is not really bad is it? Telling lies or keeping something from someone is neither really a criminal offence. From the 1st person it may not be so bad as it is something you have chosen to pursue (human rights, free-will ....) but it can emotionally effect the 3rd person.

Personally i do not think that Infidelity is that 'bad' - its frawned upon through religion and can emotionally effect the partner you have cheated on - but we live in a individualistic culture today, and whatever one wants, one can usually get!!!$.asp

Thursday 20 March 2008


A small video link for the definition of infidelity....

Infidelity i think must be one of the worst situations to experience. I have never personally cheated on or betrayed anyone i have dated, and have neither really experienced someone cheating on me. I would constantly keep thinking that i would get caught out because in most cases it always does come out. What i would find a challenge would be taking your partner back after they have done the dirty on you. The media publish celebrity based infidelity as a big source of news or 'gossip' and most of the time it is the men cheating on their wives. I think we tend to always side with the innocent one and when it comes to forgiveness we almost always certainly do not believe in it. For example take the story about Cheryl Cole and Ashley's cheating, we all feel for Cheryl and most agree she should bin him. But what we don't know is what Cheryl is really going through- at the end of the day that is the man she loves and has married and people assume she should be prepared to leave him over something meaningless. I think it must be ever so hard to deal with and could really effect somebody's wellbeing???

Thursday 21 February 2008

Module Trip

An idea for a module field trip for being bad PH1000 would be to set up and have a go at tattoo-ing some members of the public if you could get them to comply???